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Dealer Mobil Honda Palu
PT. Balindo Manunggal Bersama (Honda Balindo) adalah sebuah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak di bidang pemasaran automotif khususnya penjualan mobil Honda di Kota Palu.
Honda Balindo didirikan pada tahun 2005 yang berlokasi di Jln. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 80, Palu, yang melayani Sales, Spare Parts dan Service (3S) mobil Honda.
To Be One of The Best Honda Dealers in Indonesia in All Aspects; Sales, Service and Spare Parts.
A private company which consistently and continuously grow together, and maintaining a good working relationship with all stakeholders of the company for future progress and development
Delivering better product and services to fulfill our customer’s needs and win the highest market share in our area.
Booking Service
Tak perlu capek mengantri di tempat service, rencanakan waktu service mobil Honda Anda di bengkel resmi Honda Balindo.
Jam Operasional
- Senin - Sabtu: 08:00 – 17:00
- Minggu : TUTUP